Cookie Policy 

Cookies used on HMS Forums and Cloud Platforms 

Ewon Tech forum website

Here is the list of cookies we enforce on the tech forum website which could be directly associated to you:

  • sid: The ID of your session.
  • mybbuser: Your user ID and login key, used to keep you logged in.       
  • mybb[lastvisit]: When you last visited the forum.        
  • mybb[lastactive]: When you were last active on the forum.        
  • mybb[threadread]: The threads you have read.        
  • mybb[forumread]: The forums you have marked as read.        
  • mybb[readallforums]: Whether all forums were marked as read.        
  • mybb[announcements]: Which announcements you have read.        
  • mybb[referrer]: The ID of the user who referred you to the forum, used if you register.        
  • forumpass: The passwords of password protected forums.        
  • mybblang: Which language you have chosen from the language selector.        
  • mybbtheme: Which theme you have chosen from the theme selector.       
  • collapsed: Which forum categories you have collapsed on the forum home page.        
  • coppauser: Whether you are a COPPA user when registering.       
  • coppadob: Your date of birth if you are a COPPA user.                
  • multiquote: Which posts you have chosen to multiquote.        
  • pollvotes: Tracks poll votes.     
  • mybbratethread: Which threads you have rated to prevent rating the same thread twice.

(Website functionality may be limited without these cookies) 

Talk2M web application

The Talk2M M2Web application requires several cookies to be enforced on your system in order to work as expected. Here is the list of cookies used by the application:

  • m2websession: It contains your session ID, used to identify you during the lifetime of a session on M2Web. It is also used for billing purpose.
  • m2webskin: It contains the M2Web skin unique ID, used to display the right skin on M2Web.
  • m2web.token: Session token used to identify a session established to an eWON device.
  • JSESSIONID: Unique session ID used to identify the user when a VNC/RDP session is established.


Intesis ST Cloud Cloud

The Intesis ST Cloud solution uses only one cookie is used and expires in 1 year.

  • cookieconsent_status: This cookie is used to know if the user has accepted the use of cookies to guarantee the best experience on our website.

Intesis AC Cloud Control

The following cookies are used in AC Cloud Control web based user front end to guarantee the best experience.

  • symfonyFrontend: Web visit session identifier.
  • cb-enabled: This cookie is used to know if the user has accepted the use of cookies.

Argos web application

Strictly necessary cookies

  • JSESSIONID: it's used for authentication purpose.
  • JSESSION_AUTH: It's used for authentication purpose on our frontend services.
  • AWSALB: It’s used to redirect the user to the right server.
  • Google maps cookies: Are created by Google Maps itself and are used for the maps in Frontend. They are used both in Management and Presentation map view.

Functionality cookies
  • HelpWizardLang: Is set to a language variable to remember the language for the "Step-by-step guides".
  • HelpWizardStep: Is to remember which step the user are on in the "Step-by-step guides", so it can stay open if the user move to another page.
  • HelpWizard: It is used to remember which page within the "Step-by-step guides" the user is on.
  • ShowInfoText: It is used to remember if the user has opened the help sometime or not.
  • CookieNotice: It is used to remember that the user has seen the cookie pop up information or not on the log in page.


  • Scayt_verLang: It is used by the user custom page editor to remember the user selected language.

HMS Hub web application

Strictly necessary cookies

    This is a cookie designed to store and identify unique session ID on the HMS-HUB Portal websites. It does not contain any personal information and usually looks something like 1234567890abcdef. PHPSESSID is deleted as soon as you close all browser windows. This cookie is essential to store because it allows to login, uses other options.

  • search-{path to page}
    This is a cookie to store different search inputs. (E.g. project- or user search)
    E.g User is search for project “project1” on the page /XXXXX/YYYYY/ there will be a cookie named ‘search-/XXXXX/YYYYY with content ’project1’ connected to the path ‘/XXXXX/YYYYY’.